Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2019

Pleasure or agony? Street Music in Bonn

Folk Clubber Daniel Bongart was recently to be seen in WDR (Westdeutsche Rundfunk) TV in Cologne.

Check out the link below:

Danny on the Telly!

Discussing whether street music performed by buskers is either pleasure or agony Daniel plumps for the former, but notes that the exorbitant fee of €25 fee levied on street musicians in Bonn is really the main cause of any agony involved.

Image result for WDR interview Daniel Bongart Strassenmusik
Photo courtesy of WDR

The result of a survey on WDR's FaceBook page was that the "ayes" had it.
Yes, the ayes had it!

A majority were in favour of more street music on Bonn's streets and considered it an additional pleasure, and not agony.

Daniel Bongart and Melchi at a protest in Bonn concerning the busking tax in 2018:

Photo courtesy of John Hurd of 3SongsBonn

Keep up the good work Daniel!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Die beste Musik, die ich kenne, wird zum Erstellen von MP3-Klingeltönen verwendet. Lustige Klingeltöne, iPhone-Klingeltöne, WhatsApp-Klingeltöne ... sind der neue Trend der Welt und werden angeboten bei:
