Freitag, 13. Juli 2018

Straßenmusik in Bonn – Zwischen Lärmschutz und Straßenkunst

Radio is a truly wonderful medium.

Things to listen out for:

or even, thanks to modern podcasts,

things to listen in to!

Thank you
 and 96 Bonn FM

Das Musizieren auf  Bonner Strassen ist schon schön geregelt,

aber zumindest sind die Gedanken,
 und die Rundfunk Airwaves und Podcasts .....

immer noch frei.

See you all on Saturday at 14:00 hrs.

(That's 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon for our American viewers)

in the centre (center) of Bonn.

Please bring all the instruments that you and your family may have with you,
but please do not play them.

That is unfortunately in Bonn, no longer YOUR personal decision.

We think it should be YOUR own personal decision..

If you have the wish and the desire. and the passion, to perform on the hardest stage on God's earth, then this lust for Andy Warhol's 15 minute's of fame should not be denied to you.

Markets automatically regulate themselves,
but in a competitive environment, initial access to markets should never be denied,
especially not for young people, and especially not by public sector regulators, who are, by their very nature, never actual serious market participants themselves.

Nevertheless, on Saturday the 14th July it will be a very peaceful demonstration in accordance with all local, state and federal German laws and also all EU and UN laws.

The only "nice thing"  that will be missing is Beethoven.

(but if you remember, in the end, he was as deaf as the current pedestrians walking through the pedestrian shopping streets of his birthplace)

A silent protest.

Dear Beethoven

now we ALL understand your messages.

Never Roll over no more,
no never no more!

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