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Nächste Termin: 01.10.2010In September hatten wir einen tollen Abend mit „special guests“ Mike Godyla & Stephan Janzik, besser als "Mike und der Doktor" bekannt.
Vielen Dank an alle Musiker für ihre schönen Einsätze! Ihr seit alle als Wiederholungstäter gerne willkommen.
Der nächsten Folk Club findet am ersten Freitag im Oktober am 01.10.2010 in Graurheindorf statt. Viele verschiedene Floor Spots haben sich schon angemeldet, aber die hüten wir als Geheimnis bis zum Abend, damit die Freude an "was hat der noch in seinem Sack "? herauszukürbeln, nicht zu sehr vorweggenommen wird.
In Oktober kommt Reiner Weiss aus Köln als "Special Guest" zur Besuch. Rainer kann man begegnen in Konzertsälle aber genau so auf der Kölner Dom-Platz oder in Bonn unter der Beethoven Statur, oder genauso irgendwo im Wald. Erkennen wird man ihn aus der Ferne erst an den klassischen Tönen, die aus seiner Tastatur fliessen und wenn man sich nähert dann an seinem Markenzeichen, einem weissen Flügel Marke-Bechstein.
Für eine ausführliche Vorfreude an Reiner Weiss kann man seine Open Classics Website besuchen:
www.openclassics.deund in YOU TUBE einfach "Reiner Weiss" eingeben für ein paar Hörspiele vorweg.
Also, wenn Ihr singen und/oder spielen wollt, kommt bitte etwas früher, um einen Auftritt zu sichern und um Enttäuschungen zu vermeiden. Auch wenn Ihr nicht spielen oder singen möchtet, kommt ohnehin etwas früher, da die besten Plätze am schnellsten weg sind.
Wir hoffen euch bald in Oktober (wieder) zu sehen,
John Harrison and Barry L. Roshto et al
"Folk is great - Bier ist gut - and people are crazy"
- E N G L I S H - Next Meeting Friday 01.10.2010In September we had a super evening with „special guests“ Mike Godyla & Stephan Janzik better known as "Mike and the Doctor"
Many thanks to everyone who played and sang for your wonderful musical contributions! You are all most welcome to return.
The next folk club takes place on the first Friday in October on 01.10.10 in Graurheindorf. Many differing floor spots have already put their names down but we'll keep it a secret until the evening so that the pleasure in puzzling out beforehand " ‘what’s in the bag?’ as people come in" is not spoilt.
In October Reiner Weiss is coming down from Cologne as "special guest" to visit the folk club. One can find Rainer in large concert halls but also in less likelier places such as the square under Cologne catherdral, or in Bonn under the statue of Beethoven, or equally well simply in a forest somewhere. You will know it's him from a distance initially from the classical notes flowing from his keyboard, and as you come closer by his trademark white grand piano brand of Bechstein.
Is Reiner a crazy eccentric? Well he's certainly the only person I know who busks with a white grand piano.
He has a very refreshing attitude to music, which he likes to be well played and acoustic but also unpretentious and presented in a fun way for as wide an audience as possible.............................. that sounds very much like the folk club to me.
If you want to find out more about Reiner Weiss in advance you can visit his Open Classics website:
www.openclassics.deand in YOU TUBE simply type in "Reiner Weiss" for some audio visual examples.
Reiner Weiss thinks that music was written "by the people, for the people" which will surely remind Barry of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address about politics during the American Civil War, but Reiner's adaptation of this anecdote to show how the music, particularly of classical European composers has nowadays been hijacked by modern academic critics is very valid.
Music is universal, and has always been so since its conception.
Last time at the folk club we had 60 people of all ages, and only amongst the participating musicians there were souls from two continents and five nations.
The most encouraging part of the evening for me though was to watch the faces of the 10% of the audience that were under 15, enjoying live acoustic music. Some were hearing bagpipes for the first time in their lives, some after hearing nothing but bagpipes all their lives were amazed to find that bagpipes are not all alike, and all of them enthralled with also hearing the sweet sounds of violins, mandolins, pianos, harmonicas, tambourines and drums and guitars and basses and not least yet last by a cappella voices not drowned out by showers, but songs sung totally unaccompanied by instruments, merely with some or all of the voices present, within a few feet of their ears.
So if you want to come and sing and play in October, do come along a little earlier in order to assure a spot and avoid disappointment. Even if you don’t want to sing or play yet, and are just coming along to listen, it’s as well to come early too, as the best ringside seats are the ones which go first. I fear we will have more people attending than last time, so you have been warned,
Looking forward to seeing you all in October,
John Harrison and Barry L. Roshto et al
"Folk is great - Bier ist gut - and people are crazy"