Sonntag, 25. November 2018

John Hurd of 3 Songs Bonn at FCB # 96

The light and dark side of Bonn Folk Club

We were fortunate to have John Hurd amongst us at the last folk club.

If you were unfortunate to have missed FCB 96, then reading John's report and checking out his photos on it, is as close as you'll ever get now to having actually experienced it.

BROMO Photo courtesy of 3 Songs Bonn

Thanks again John!

PS we've even reserved a spot on the virtual stage for you in FCB # 97 John.

Dienstag, 20. November 2018

Sabines Bilder vom Folk Club am 2. November 2018

John Harrison

Peter Deteren

Günter Peters, Brigitte Scharff und Regine Perry-Mertens

Gert Müller

Wolfgang Schriefer

Bromo alias Marvin und Dennis Ledermann

David Blair

Heike Winkhoff und Frank Loer

Steven Perry
Steven Perry und Paolo Pacifico

Bernhard Meyer

Daniel Bongart

Lorena Manz und Gerrit Witterhold

Gordon Matthews

Lean Walbröl