John Hurd, (I was wondering who this guy was using that nice camera)
a reporter for the English Network wrote a review of the Folk Club evening on the 7th of May. You can find read at:
Dienstag, 11. Mai 2010
Sonntag, 9. Mai 2010
Photos from the brilliant Folk Club evening
7th of May 2010
3 guitars standing there like 3 "ladies in waiting"
It seems like we are starting to get the feel of it volks, I mean, all we folks at the Folk Club. Volks are starting to just walk in with their "axes, war hammers & what-nots" and say, "can I play with you folks?"
We certainly had a brilliant evening last Friday.
Anybody unhappy?
On this fine evening there were two unexpected "walkins, standups and shoot'em ups."
I would also love to hear from any anglistik/amerikanistik Student/Studentin or any professional übersetzerInnen that could possibly translate that last statement into German. We want certainly to keep the blog zweisprachig, aber mir fehlt die Zeit dazu. I need help. Anybody interested in helping me keep this blog going, please melde dich/Melden sie sich...
Here are a few pix of the last fantastic Folk Club evening.
Special Guests Susanne & Peter aka "Petite Fleur"
finest country & cajun tunes "aus Beuel"
our first walk in of the night
Thomas K. - a smokin' he uilleann pipes
John does a set & Paolo blows the harp (finally)
Paolo sings fantastic, plays the harmonica
and needs to (simply said)
be up there much more than I-We-U-do....
Who_Do? Pablo, Du...
I know I am not an original clubber
I think the concept may be about collaboration
and just look at him, he's even got a plaid shirt on
our 2nd walk in
Mike und der Doktor
John and I think we might should invite them
as special guests next time
any comments? please comment.....
John, the Imp and the Doctor
Günter and Friend
Planning & Networking
John & Frederik
Peter joins them
Frederik will be doing some
James Taylor tunes next month
Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2010
Here is the text to John's new song.
We can't wait to hear it John.
Looks like friday will be a real "zoo".
by John Harrison
Capo 2nd C (D)
One night in the park,
Just after dark,
There werre more people than usual,
But less dogs seemed to bark.
It was the 5th of May,
How I'll remember that day,
I was dreamin' in slumber,
When Thunder blew my dreams away.
Just because I'm a duck,
It seems no one gives a flying fff.............
Just because I'm a duck,
It seems that I'm right out of luck.
I don't mind if light up the Rhine,
But this time you were way out of line,
Your fireworks were so noisy and loud,
I just gotta get out o' this crowd.
Oh sweet Zeppelina,
You can fly home to me,
Oh sweet Zeppelina,
You really need to be quiet and free.
I knew nothing about you,
When you first came to stay,
Now I'm slightly less nervous,
In this strnge month of May.
You laid an egg and then you flew away,
Came Back the next day,
Now there're five, I just hope that they thrive,
And that we can keep all the predators at bay.
Fireworks wonders,
Mallard Escapee,
Thanks to mankind's blunder,
You've enriched life for me.
Dienstag, 4. Mai 2010
Folk Club in May
Petite Fleur
(Grizzlies will probably not come this month! -)
(Deutsch weiter unten)
It is May already and the fourth Folk Club of the year takes place on Friday 7th May – same time, same place.
It looks like being a very good one. We will have as special guest stars "Petite Fleur" a duo playing Country and Cajun music from the deepest bayous of southern Beuel, and in addition to all the usual musical stalwarts there will be some unusual instruments, many and varied talented floorspots and a topical song about a „Rhein in Flammen“ refugee and a wild duck called „Zeppelina“, who once nested on a balcony in Bad Godesberg.
So if you want to sing and play, do come early to secure a spot and avoid disappointment, and if you don’t want to sing and/or play, come early too as the ringside seats go the soonest.
See you soon .....
John Harrison et al
Friday 7th May, 7 pm
Gastätte zum Schützenhaus
Estermannstraße 109
53117 Bonn
Tel : 0228 92985179
The folk club will meet in the room at the rear.
Coming from the centre of Bonn just head due north and follow the Römerstrasse past the Beethovenhalle and continue straight on, ignoring any temptations to follow the road 90 degrees to the left, and eventually the Römerstrasse becomes the Estermannstrasse, which is the main thoroughfare in Graurheindorf. If you drive past the Schützenhaus on the left hand side there are parking opportunities in the next street on the left.
Coming from outside Bonn leave Autobahn 565 at the “Auerberg” exit and it is approx 5 minutes by car to the Schützenhaus.
Using public transport take the bus number 600 from Bonn main station to Graurheindorf for 12 minutes and get out at the terminus “Kranenweg” from where it is a 3 minute walk to the venue.
- DE -
Es ist schon Mai und der Folk Club wird am Freitag, den 7. Mai zum vierten Mal im Schützenhaus stattfinden. Er wird wie die anderen drei Male um 19:30 anfangen. Es sieht nach einem sehr guten Abend aus. Zur Gast für den Abend haben wir "Petite Fleur" mit Country and Cajun Musik aus der Beueler Bayous. Man wird erstaunliche und seltene Instrumente hören, viele und diverse talentierte Auftritte sehen und ein aktuelles Lied über einen Flüchtling vom „Rhein in Flammen“ und eine wilde Ente namens „Zeppelina“ hören. Dieses Wesen hatte sich vor einiger Zeit im Mai auf einem Balkon in Bad Godesberg niedergelegt.
Also, wenn Ihr singen und/oder spielen wollt, kommt bitte etwas früher, um einen Auftritt zu sichern und um Enttäuschungen zu meiden. Auch wenn Ihr nicht spielen oder singen möchtet, kommt trotzdem etwas früher, da die besten Plätze am schnellsten weg sind.
Ich hoffe euch bald (wieder) zu sehen.
Schöne Grüße,
John Harrison et al
Freitag, den 7. Mai, ab 19.00 Uhr
Gaststätte zum Schützenhaus
Estermannstraße 109
53117 Bonn
Tel.: 0 22 8 - 92 98 51 79
Der Folk Club trifft sich im Hintersaal der Gaststätte.
Vom Bonner Zentrum aus geht es Richtung Norden auf der Römerstrasse und an der Beethovenhalle vorbei. Man widerstehe jeder Neigung, dem 90°-Knick nach links der Straße zu folgen, sondern folgt ihr geradeaus, bis die Römerstrasse schließlich zur Estermannstraße wird, die Hauptdurchgangsstraße von Graurheindorf. Das Schützenhaus befindet sich auf der linken Seite und in der nächsten Straße dahinter gibt es Parkmöglichkeiten.
Von außerhalb Bonns nimmt man die Ausfahrt "Auerberg" der A 565 und fährt dann noch ca. 5 Minuten bis zum Schützenhaus.
Mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln kommt man mit der Buslinie 600 ab Bonn Hauptbahnhof Richtung Graurheindorf in 12 Minuten zum Ziel, die Haltestelle heißt "Kranenweg" und von dort aus sind es nur noch 3 Minuten Fußweg zum Schützenhaus.
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