Samstag, 1. März 2014

Golden Anniversary

Golden Anniversary

On the 4th of July 2014 the Folk Club Bonn is priviledged to celebrate their 50th Meet with a special presentaion, an across-the-board cut of what HAS happened and what IS happening at the Folk Club.

We are solicitating 50 Songs from 50 Participants...
I guess that would mean that if you are a duo you would be allowed 2 songs and so on and so forth....  A 4 man combo for 4 songs, etc.

The rules are as follows:
1) each song or programme entry will be limited to 2 min 36 sec of playing time....
2) at eactly 2:36 a gong will sound and the participants will have no more than 1 min to clear the stage.

Other than that, we are also planning a Pre-FCB parade, line, procession or march, however you want to call it... We are also looking for participants in this endevour....

Hope you can help us out with these plans...

playrequestfolkclubbonn AT gmail DOT com

1 Kommentar:

  1. I put my name down first and am opening with "Mercedes Benz" from Janis Joplin which is both A Capella which is what we are also encouraging as it enables the next acts to start quicker.

    think it will be a wonderful evening!
