There wasn't even one violin to be seen or heard this time, after five violins being present in September, but the hall at Dotty's Sports Bar in the BTHV (Bonn's Tennis and Hockey sports club) was certainly awash with colour. "Colour" was the theme of the evening, and as usual, the many performers all did their best to fit their songs in with the evening's theme. This is, of course, not an obligation, but nearly everyone joins in, even if some of the associations with the monthly theme are very fine examples of the vivid and surreal and fertile imaginations of our performers, rather than strict adherence to the theme.
Serena & Andrea capturing the fact that music is jolly good fun!
If you were not there, you were very unfortunate and missed another wonderful musical evening.
Fortunately, for those of you who weren't there, John Hurd of 3SongsBonn WAS there and his report and photos easily provide the very next best thing to not having been there personally yourself.
For those fortunate few who actually WERE there, here is a most wonderful memento of the evening with John Hurd's inimitable style of good prose and cracking photos.
Click here to go and see:
There are also some additional photos here:
More photos here.
Thanks again, John Hurd!
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