Freitag, 14. Juni 2024

Folk Club Bonn # 147 on Friday 07.06.24 with David Blair

 John Hurd of 3SongsBonn was not only present as a stealth photographer and scribe extraordinaire, but he also gave us a fine rendering of Doc Watson's song " Ready For The Times To Get Better"  on guitar and vocals with accompaniment from Christoph Thiebes on harmonica. Thanks again John on all counts there!

John Hurd was as thrilled as I was to welcome Canadian David Blair back to the folk club for his sixth visit.

Read John Hurd's wonderful review of the June folk club here on 3SongsBonn website:

So nice to reestablish the art of hugging, which certainly took a battering during COVID-19. In fact, one could not even acquire one of David's T-shirts without being physically hugged by the man himself. This is how David ensures that what is written on the shirts is always both authentic and genuine!

There are some more of John Hurrd's wonderful stealth photos from the 3songsBonn site here:

Thanks again David for a memorable Folk Club Bonn evening and for helping with the "hugging" campaign to put a part of the "human being"  back into "humanity!"  

We certainly all needed that!

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