Jemand sagte mir, es gäbe eine "Maskenpflicht"!
Im Ernst, auch wenn es Zeiten und Orte gibt, an denen es keine echte Maskenpflicht gibt, ist es dennoch möglich, freiwillig ein oder zwei Masken zu tragen, um Solidarität mit denjenigen zu zeigen, die am stärksten gefährdet sind, sich mit COVID-19 zu infizieren.
Another outdoor FCB Lite edition # 114 once again there was a definite "green " element to the evening, perhaps due to the fact that we were on a hockey pitch and so effectively in a field, albeit a well mown one, but still playing outside in a field. If you'd have asked me a year ago if I expected to be playing outside in a folk club in a field in October I would not have believed you! Luckily John Hurd of ThreeSongsBonn was a roving reporter who was on the spot to record it for posterity, and not only gave us another cracking example of his photographic and literary skills, the results of which you can see and read in the link below, but he also graced us with a wonderful rendering of the recently departed Pete Green's "Man Of The World" in addition to duties on the "door" to ensure that the necessary COVID-19 traceability documentation was correctly done. The folk club Bonn committee is indeed truly blessed with people of great dexterity and multi-faceted skills and seemingly endless energy. In COVID times these FCB LITE outdoor editions are only half of the normal length but involve two or three times as much work in the preparation and realisation. Many thanks also to Mario Dompke and John Hay for their great work in sorting the sound for the evening and also performing themselves. Thanks also to everyone else who pitched in to make the evening such a great success against all odds and the potential vagaries of the weather. Additional thanks to God and the Green Man for withholding the rain for a couple of hours of musical bliss and to Matteo and Roland for attempting to quench our communal thirsts over such a long distance.
Jock Stewart had his usual outing at the end of the evening which was floodlit at the end.
Thanks to Sergeant Dixon of Dock Green and John Hurd for the photos.
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