Montag, 19. Oktober 2020


 Bonn Folk Club in 2020 has been quite a roller coaster ride. From a stunning 10 Year Anniversary Edition in March, celebrated by having 10 different fiddles, quickly followed by our last indoor edition in April a month later with "Stables" which was then followed by a six-month hiatus, partially self-imposed, with eventually two FCB Lite editions outdoors on the hockey pitch at Dotty's, each only 90 minutes in duration and with no break, to avoid mingling. Then finally, what John Hurd would probably call "the icing on the cake" a Folk Club Bonn On Tour in the Harmonie in Bonn.

(Photo courtesy of Sabine Büttner)

Read the report and see the unusual photos in the following link, which John Hurd, who as a journalist, ever aware of the danger of yesterday's news being stale, actually wrote on his own birthday! Bless him!

Just click on the two links below to read and see:

3 Songs Bonn



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