Sonntag, 20. November 2022

Steve Perry's funeral in the Luther Church in Bonn 12:00 Hrs Saturday 19.11.22

 (Photos courtesy of John Hurd of 3Songs Bonn)

Steve played a figurative blinder to a full house before departing on his final journey. Thanks for more than a decade of altruistic dedication to the Bonn folk club Steve.

We could not have asked for more. Fare thee well dear Steve.

Whatever you do don't forget your hat when you go up on t'moor!

For those of you who did not manage to attend the funeral or to send Steve flowers while he was still alive, well it is too late now, but as an alternative there is the possibility to send a donation to the German Leukemia and Lymphoma Aid Foundation (Stiftung Deutsche Leukämie- und Lymphom-Hilfe) 

(Photos courtesy of Uta Schäfer)

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